Physical Security

Physical security is the protection of personnel, hardware, software, networks and data from physical actions and events that can cause serious loss or damage to an institution, organization or institution. This includes protection from fire, flood, natural disasters, theft, theft, vandalism and terrorism. While most of these are covered by insurance, prioritizing physical security against damage avoids the loss of time, money and resources lost due to these events.
The physical security framework consists of three main components. These; access control, surveillance and testing. The success of an organization’s physical security program can often be attributed to how well each of these components is implemented, improved, and maintained.

Enterance Control

The key to maximizing one’s physical security measures is to limit and control people’s access to sites, facilities, and materials. Access control encompasses measures taken to limit exposure of certain assets to only authorized personnel. Examples of these corporate barriers often include ID cards, keypads, and security guards. However, these obstacles can differ greatly in terms of method, approach and cost.
The building is often the first line of defense for most physical security systems. Elements such as fences, gates, walls, and gates all act as physical deterrents against criminal entry. Additional locks, barbed wire, visible security measures and signs reduce the number of random attempts by cybercriminals.


This is one of the most important physical security components for both prevention and post-incident recovery. In this case, surveillance refers to the technology, personnel, and resources that organizations use to monitor the activities of different real-world locations and facilities. These examples might include patrol guards, heat sensors, and notification systems.

Making a Test

Physical security is a preventative measure and incident response tool. Disaster recovery plans, for example, focus on the quality of one’s physical safety protocols. How well a company identifies, responds to, and contains a threat. Active testing is the only way to ensure that such DR policies and procedures are effective when the time comes.
If you are looking for professional and quality support in the field of physical security, simply contact us.

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